Woking Green Party PM2.5 Monitoring Network, is a member-led initiative which aims to measure particulate air-pollution levels around Woking over the next 12 months.
Eight portable particulate matter (PM) air pollution sensors have been installed at different locations, from South West Woking to nearby Byfleet, and will also be used to measure pollution levels near to the town centre, on busy main roads and roads near schools at peak traffic times. As part of the initiative, Surrey’s Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) and Guildford Living Lab (GLL) have helped to implement the calibration of the monitors for Woking Green Party prior to installation.
The GLL team at Surrey – led by Professor Prashant Kumar – has conducted a laboratory assessment of the Davis Airlink sensors being used. The team will also work closely with Woking Green Party to evaluate the measurement results after three, six and 12 months, giving a full picture of PM2.5 pollution levels throughout the year.
The Woking pollution monitoring network has been created because of increasing concerns about air pollution in Woking, which currently has no PM2.5 monitors. Real-time readings from the network will be made available to the public via WeatherLink. The findings will also be published on the EU/EEA European Index of Air Quality.

Jennifer Mason, a local Green Party member, said “In 2015, pollution was linked by the World Health Organisation and others to one in six deaths worldwide and led to around 50,000 deaths in the United Kingdom through its contribution towards increased levels of heart disease, lung cancer and strokes. As a member of the Green Party and standing representative in the 2022 elections I am very proud to be part of this project. The Woking Green Party have set up this network of monitors across Woking to study the current air pollution levels and ensure we are not exceeding the recommend maximum levels.”
Professor Prashant Kumar, founding Director of GCARE and Associate Dean, said: “It is highly encouraging to see the community groups coming forward to help fight the intractable issue of air pollution. This is an excellent example of a community run sensor network in collaboration with researchers from the GCARE. It is a truly citizen science initiative and we are very much looking forward to continue working together with this group of highly driven and committed people to help bring positive change to air pollution situation in Woking.”
To make a donation to help with this and other vital local projects please visit www.wokinggreens.org
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