I have always been interested in environmental issues but believe that we are now at a critical point where the decisions made today still have a chance to avoid the worst of the climate and biodiversity crises we are facing.

There are many decisions being made locally that are part of a bigger picture nationally and internationally, as a councillor I would hope to help influence those to get the best outcome for our environment and therefore all our futures.

I am particularly concerned about the current cost of living crisis. Therefore, I would want to work on measures to help protect people from this e.g. ensuring homes are insulated properly leading to a better living environment, lower bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

I work part time as a community pharmacist and also volunteer with Woking Environment Action (WEAct).

Kate is our candidate for Goldsworth Park in the May 2023 elections.

To contact her, please email goldsworthpark@wokinggreens.org.