I have always been interested in environmental issues and have been a proud follower and supporter of the Green Party for over a decade and similarly Greenpeace.
I am standing as a Green Party candidate in St Johns because I believe that we are the only party to be able to take appropriate action on our climate crisis. To take us forward, into the sustainable and biodiverse future we need. A party of new and innovative thinking.
I believe we are now at a critical point in time. Important decisions need to be made today; while we still have the chance to avoid the worst of disastrous man-made environmental changes and the impact of these changes we are already seeing worldwide.
Locally, my priorities are the protection of undeveloped environmentally fragile land, protecting green spaces, poverty and homelessness, affordable housing and housing for the elderly.
Louise is our candidate for St John’s in the May 2023 elections.
To contact her, please email stjohns@wokinggreens.org.